Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Pets join the battle in new Vindictus video


     What's better than forging into battle against demons and dragons in Vindictus? How about forging in with your very own death-dealing pet fighting right by your side? The latest addition to the free-to-play fantasy MMORPG is the Gremlin pet: a ferocious companion that aids in battle and helps loot the spoils afterwards.

    So what fearsome visage to do these fierce fighters have? Nexon's video reveals Gremlins as furry little floppy-eared bunny/birds (or is it a bird/bunnies?). But don't let the cuteness fool you; they are killers! And every player can have one, regardless of class. Gremlins come in three types, each with its own attitude: Tiny Gremlin, Punk Gremlin, and Armor Gremlin.
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    Check out the new cuddly, kiester-kicking companions in the video after the break.

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